Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hey! some actual content!

Ok so I guess the reason I haven't done anything with this blog is that I felt I didn't have anything worth posting/ saying but now I do! I finally finished my first sweater, Deep Breath. After 6 months. Ok well during that time I was also working on hats, gloves, baby sweaters, baby hats, etc. I'm not really done with this sweater, because the body and arms stretched out freakishly long when I blocked it, so I am going to take the sleeves and bottom edge in YET AGAIN. I thought wool would shrink a little but apparently that is not the case unless you get into some crazy semi-felting mode, which I might do in the future. For now I'm just wearing it to get the feel of it and make modifications for my next go-round on Deep Breath, this time using cotton. (the red Kona Bay that Sunflower Fairy Knits raves about).

Cotton scares me (for knitting). I haven't really used it much, but it seems unforgiving and prone to random shrinkage or expanditure. I'm sure it will be fine, especially if I knit a swatch (as I type this however I realize that I'm not going to bother, I'm still doing something wrong with swatches since they never seem to help me).

The main thing is I want to do the armholes differently so there is not the peek-a-boo lacy increase. Tonight is SnB night but I'm so sick with a head cold I don't think I'll be able to make it. grrr. Maybe I can call someone, after all it's a knitting emergency, I want to cast on RIGHT NOW!!

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